Šiuo darbu buvo siekiama: atskleisti Katalikų Bažnyčios mokymą apie Santuokos gėrius; identifikuoti, kaip sutuoktinių porų judėjime „Dievo Motinos komandos“ (Toliau - DMK) naudojama sielovada padeda sutuoktiniams gyventi vaisingos Santuokos sakramento malonės būvyje; remiantis Katalikų Bažnyčios mokymu ir sutuoktinių porų judėjimo DMK sielovados tyrimu, pateikti santuokos dvasingumo teorinį ir praktinį modelius. Vyro ir moters santuoka nėra žmonių išrasta institucija – “pats Dievas yra santuokos autorius” (KBK, 1603). Norint suvokti sakramentinės santuokos esmę, yra svarbu suprasti Dievo planą visu jo didumu - ką Kūrėjas santuokai yra numatęs išganymo istorijoje. Dėl pirmųjų tėvų nuodėmės Dievo per santuoką žmogui dovanoti gėriai išsikreipi...
Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI proposes a pneumatology derived from the Trinitarian dogma, strictly...
This very Introduction to Catholic theology is separated into two distinctive parts. First of them c...
Pope Francis builds his ecclesiology around the statement that the Church is a community of Christ...
Darbo problema: šiandieniai visuomenės įšūkiai atsakingai tėvystei- motinystei po Vatikano II Susiri...
Magistrinį darbą parašė magistrinių studijų studentė Asta Kizevičienė, vadovaujant docentei, mokslų ...
The Christian spiritual life, the essence of which is holiness, needs an example that sheds clear li...
Today, many of the faithful who are preparing for marriage and family life have not received suffici...
Although the relation between the mystery of the Holy Trinity and the sacrament of marriage was alwa...
Ks. Paweł PietrusiakTo stress the idea of the Church as a community, the Second Vatican Council some...
This text discusses the relationship between the sacrament of marriage and the Eucharist. The motive...
The content of the article opens with an introduction of a reflection of Fr. Franciszek Blachnicki ...
The article analyzes the teachings of the Catholic Church about the Mother of God of Mary. Such teac...
XX a. kilusi atsinaujinimo banga benediktinų pasaulyje bei veiklių ir misijonieriškų bendruomenių iš...
The teaching of the Church often emphasizes preparation for marriage and family and the importance o...
The spiritual maternity belongs to the apostolic function of the Church. It is based on the spiritu...
Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI proposes a pneumatology derived from the Trinitarian dogma, strictly...
This very Introduction to Catholic theology is separated into two distinctive parts. First of them c...
Pope Francis builds his ecclesiology around the statement that the Church is a community of Christ...
Darbo problema: šiandieniai visuomenės įšūkiai atsakingai tėvystei- motinystei po Vatikano II Susiri...
Magistrinį darbą parašė magistrinių studijų studentė Asta Kizevičienė, vadovaujant docentei, mokslų ...
The Christian spiritual life, the essence of which is holiness, needs an example that sheds clear li...
Today, many of the faithful who are preparing for marriage and family life have not received suffici...
Although the relation between the mystery of the Holy Trinity and the sacrament of marriage was alwa...
Ks. Paweł PietrusiakTo stress the idea of the Church as a community, the Second Vatican Council some...
This text discusses the relationship between the sacrament of marriage and the Eucharist. The motive...
The content of the article opens with an introduction of a reflection of Fr. Franciszek Blachnicki ...
The article analyzes the teachings of the Catholic Church about the Mother of God of Mary. Such teac...
XX a. kilusi atsinaujinimo banga benediktinų pasaulyje bei veiklių ir misijonieriškų bendruomenių iš...
The teaching of the Church often emphasizes preparation for marriage and family and the importance o...
The spiritual maternity belongs to the apostolic function of the Church. It is based on the spiritu...
Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI proposes a pneumatology derived from the Trinitarian dogma, strictly...
This very Introduction to Catholic theology is separated into two distinctive parts. First of them c...
Pope Francis builds his ecclesiology around the statement that the Church is a community of Christ...